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In Hyatt Regency hotel there passed the presentation devoted rebranding to the Cybernet company, under the name "Cybernet: Modern decisions and the latest tendencies in information technologies" on June 18, 2013

On June 18, 2013 in Hyatt Regency hotel there passed the presentation devoted rebranding  to the Cybernet company, under the name "Cybernet: Modern decisions and the latest tendencies in information technologies". Action united IT of professionals from various government institutions, the commercial enterprises, and also numerous clients and partners of the company.
On presentation new modern activities of the Cybernet company, including the latest decisions in the field of a mobile digital signature, corporate appendices, decisions for the public and commercial sector were sounded.
The Chairman of the board who has made a speech at action of Synergy Group Mr. Kyamran Abbasov, wished the Cybernet company of progress and told the following:  "2013 was declared in Azerbaijan year information communication technologies (ICT) that has for us special value.  It is possible to call the Cybernet company key structure within Synergy Group which successfully realizes holding tasks in this direction.  One of these tasks is an exchange of successful experience and an entry into the markets outside Azerbaijan, cooperation with CIS countries.  In particular, I am sure that in the nearest future to extend company activity in Tajikistan". 
Also within presentation partners and clients of the company, including representatives of Mortgage Fund of Azerbaijan, the State Committee on property questions, representatives of the Oracle, HP and Best Solutions companies who told about successful experience of partnership with the Cybernet company acted, wished the company of all progress in its activity and hoped that the Cybernet company and will carry out further the activities for introduction in Azerbaijan of the latest technologies and modern software solutions of world level.